Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Heart Day’s Work

I feel most alive when I’ve put in a heart day’s work.

To see tears in eyes that haven’t cried in years.
To see a face soften with compassion for another.

These are moments I get to witness
when I put in a heart day’s work.

To watch a woman own her story,
realizing it no longer owns her.

This is what I get to witness
when I put in a heart day’s work.

To hear a woman speak authentic words
when before she chose silence.

This is what I get to witness
when I put in a heart day’s work.

To feel something like a mother’s love
even though I have no children.

This is what I get to experience
when I put in a heart day’s work.

To grow into the woman I was called to be
with a community of women behind and beyond bars.

This is what I get in return
when I put in a heart day’s work.