Monday, March 24, 2014

Casa de Corona | Oct. 14, 2009 - March 24, 2014

Casa de Corona was “born” on October 14, 2009, when I decided to join Facebook under a nom de plume inspired by my street address.

Originally a vocal critic of Facebook, I finally acquiesced and created a profile because I got tired of not knowing things that “everyone else” seemed to know.

You didn’t know that Jim is traveling through Central America right now? But he has been posting pics on Facebook!

You didn’t know Scott and Leslie got engaged? But they updated their relationship status on Facebook! 

After enough of these conversations, I bit the bullet and joined, but I did it on my terms.

I created Casa de Corona to maintain some level of anonymity on the social network. I wanted to make sure the people who had naturally drifted out of my life would stay that way. It’s not like I had a horrible past or anything. It’s just that I already found it hard to spend quality time with the people who were in my life presently. The idea of rekindling a friendship with, say, my physics lab partner from high school held zero appeal. (Sorry, Lee. It’s not you. It’s me.)

In addition to using an alias on Facebook, I set my privacy settings high and made Casa de Corona unsearchable. I sent Friend Requests to all the Contacts in my phone and — voila! — I was now officially “in the know.”

And, man, I had no idea how “in the know” I could be.

Not only was I now up to date on everyone’s vacation plans and relationship statuses, but I also knew what they ate for lunch, that they couldn’t sleep at all last night, that they slept for 11 hours straight last night, that they were having the most amazing night out with friends right now, that they were stuck in traffic, that they were relaxing on a beach, that they just listened to this MGMT song on Spotify, that their adorable dog was being even more adorable at this very moment, that their kid was at the ER and look at his tearstained face (#nofilter #whatachamp #poorlilguy), that they looked killer in their new sunglasses, that they stumbled upon this amazing article/photo/video and will never be the same again, that they made this delicious smoothie, that they laughed so hard at this meme, that they can’t get enough of House of Cards/Game of Thrones/Breaking Bad, that they think this quote is poignant and everyone should read it too, that they got a new haircut/bike/cat/girlfriend/tattoo, that they should really live in Cape Town, and — most importantly — that they would be Blanche Devereaux if they were a Golden Girl.

Before creating Casa de Corona, I didn’t know most of these things about my friends and I got along in life just fine. However, now that I knew these kinds of things, I had to keep knowing these things!

It became an involuntary habit to reach for my phone or open Facebook on my laptop whenever I wasn’t actively engaged in something. Waiting in line? Check Facebook. Eating alone? Check Facebook. Procrastinating? Check Facebook. Can’t sleep? Check Facebook. Bored? Check Facebook. Writer’s block? Check Facebook. And yes, I admit it: At a red light? Check Facebook.

It didn’t matter that I had just scrolled through my News Feed only minutes ago. I had to check it again because, you know, I might miss something important, like a gorgeously staged photo of the cocktail my friend just ordered at WeatherUp.

Over the past five years, I have allowed the lure of Facebook to routinely and regularly interrupt my productivity and creativity. A task that should take me only an hour drags over an afternoon because I take multiple "quick" breaks to troll through the News Feed.

I created Casa de Corona to stay more connected to others, but, for me, Facebook has morphed into The Ultimate Distraction.

I find it disturbing that I seemingly have forgotten how to stay present during the natural pauses in my day. Instead of welcoming a window of unoccupied stillness, my hand automatically reaches for my phone, my eyes leave the world around me, and all my attention and energy gets poured into a glowing screen.

It’s sick. Sick, sick, sick.

However, that’s not the worst of it.

What I find most disconcerting is that, for the most part, Casa de Corona has become my primary outlet for creative writing. I’ve started to regard most everything I experience as a potential Facebook post.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is where I must draw the line.

Since joining Facebook, my writing life (that is, my non-billable and creative writing life) has looked somewhat like this: If The Universe graces me with a keen observation or a bit of humor, nostalgia or enlightenment, I don’t journal about it. I don’t turn it into a short story or an essay or a magazine article. I don’t sketch out the beginnings of The Next Great American Novel.

Oh, no, no, no. Why, that would be too much work!

Instead, I immediately reconfigure the thought or scene into a pithy Facebook post, cast it into the News Feed and wait hungrily to see how many Likes and Comments it’ll catch. It’s so quick and effortless, and I have an audience available to me 24-7.

Sweetening the lure is that people often tell me, both online and in person, how much they enjoy my Facebook posts — that they actually look forward to them. And let me tell you something about writers, people: We love receiving feedback like this! I love learning that my words have resonated with another human being, that my writing has made someone laugh, think or just feel less alone in that moment.

I admit: This part of Casa de Corona’s “life” has been rewarding and very positive. I am grateful to her to this end. Casa de Corona has given me a (somewhat) public platform to voice my take on this thing called life, whether it’s a scene I observed in a coffee shop or the inventorying of a rather remarkable day.

But here’s the rub, my friends: Writing Facebook status updates has nothing to do with real literature and everything to do with tossing my creativity into a bottomless cyberpit to immediately gratify my ego.

It is like witnessing The Slow, Unceremonious Death of a Writer.

All those status updates I referred to above? I’m guilty of posting most of them and more. I mean, how many times a day must I say: “Look at me, everyone!”? Because let’s face it: That’s basically what I’m doing every time Casa de Corona posts a status update.

Look at me! How clever. Look at me! How fun. Look at me! How pretty. Look at me! How smart. Look at me! How strong. Look at me! How crazy. Look at me! How cool.

Do I really need a collective thumbs up from the Facebook community to validate my experiences, thoughts and feelings throughout the day? Since when did I become so outwardly focused in affirming who I am on the inside?

I know better than this. I was born with an independent spirit and a desire to pursue the road less traveled, but Facebook has somehow hacked into my internal compass and made it too easy for me to stop and ask for directions, to demand a virtual pat on the back versus patting myself on the back and knowing that that is enough. 

The good news is that I’ve become acutely aware of what Facebook can (and can’t) do for me. I have traveled the full distance with Casa de Corona. And as it turns out, she is a dead-end street.

Simply put: I am killing Casa de Corona to rescue the writer in me.

The Next Chapter

Like most writers, I think I have at least one book in me. Right after my divorce, in the early 2000s, I had an idea for a novel and I pursued it by spending two months in Mexico and then traveling across Spain in a tiny Fiat with three amateur bullfighters. I wanted to write a novel about a rodeo-cowboy-turned-matador. My ex-husband was a pro bull rider, so I knew that lifestyle well. I just had to educate myself about the fiesta brava. I taped hours of interviews on cassettes and filled a few legal pads with notes and observations, but, in the end, the book never happened. For reasons not worth going into here, my fascination with the bullfighting subculture waned, and I no longer felt compelled to write the story.

For a long time I beat myself up for not writing that book, but now I look back on that time in my life and I feel in awe that I spent that kind of time and energy pursuing a creative writing project that had nothing to do with my paid writing jobs.

I want to do shit like that again.

I will do shit like that again.

The trick is — and I can feel this like a deep knowing in my bones — I need to relearn how to stay present in the natural pauses throughout my day. I need to stop filling my head with News Feed fodder and make room for stillness. That’s when Ideas are born.

Moreover, when The Universe throws me an idea, I want to write at length about it. I want to process things thoroughly. I want to sit and revisit. I want to throw away and start over. I want to write and revise — and write and revise again.

I want to spend real time on real things.

For those of you who want to continue reading my work, I encourage you to follow this blog so you’ll receive alerts whenever I write something new. Casa de Corona’s final status update will sit in the News Feed for a couple days and then her profile will be deleted forevermore. Amen.

For the time being, I’ve decided to keep my Instagram profile alive because it doesn’t feel threatening to my writing life like Facebook does. But who knows. I might kill that too eventually.

I trust that those who want to be in my life will remain in it, and I'm certain I will find ways to stay connected and accessible to those I love, admire and care about.

Isn't that how the original model for friendship has always worked?


  1. Girl, I hear you and agree in many ways with a lot of what you've said. A few observations:

    I am definitely one of those that looked forward to your moments of humor in the situations of life. Not all of these things necessarily belong in the next great american novel, and I will miss them.

    I don't feel that all these moments are "Look at me!" moments. I think they are just as much, at least for a lot of us, connecting with others when we aren't right there with them. Especially when we do work on our own and/or live on our own.

    A distraction? Absolutely, yes. I have put myself on specific FB "diets" and limit my time to scrolling it, as it can be a huge distraction from the present of life, and a huge waste of time. Staying in the present, and finding places of stillness without needing distraction - ah, yes. THAT is the challenge of our modern world.

    I will miss Casa de Corona! I wish she could continue to share her pithy anecdotes and maybe just give herself one day a week or something, even, but I understand.

    You do realize this means you are going to have to actually SEE ME in person at least once a month, right??

    1. Aw, Shelley. Thank you for your keen observations. I particularly like your much kinder take on the "look at me" moments. You're right. It is also about connecting, especially when we self-employed types spend a fair amount of time apart from others. And about SEEING you… sending you a text right now about grabbing a cocktail. ;)

    2. Yeah, well it takes discipline not to get too pulled in. I like the comment below about just deleting it from your phone. I really limit the amount of time I get on it, log off totally during working hours (although I often use it for work and have gotten a TON out of it professionally - sources, jobs, connections, story ideas, and more). I go on FB diets and disconnect frequently and don't spend too much time scrolling the news feed. But I would never totally get rid of it - the positives way outweigh the negatives and I'd rather just discipline myself. I have connected with people I care about all over the world, following adventures and getting story ideas and seeing photos of loved ones I never would have otherwise. Oh, and if you ever write that book any publisher will expect you to have a big social media following :) Catch-22. You might think about at least creating a professional page.

  2. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I deleted FB from my phone. My two main uses are to draw viewers to my blog and also to stay connected to the daily lives of my friends and relatives who live out of town. Yes, we all have phones, but at the same time seeing pictures of my beautiful sister in her travels around Europe enables me to view them on my own time. In addition, the time it would take her to email them all to me or send them via phone means I would miss out on them. It also helps when I'm a bad friend and forget people's birthdays.

    At the same time, I use the "birthday" reminder to delete "friends". If I wouldn't wish you happy bday on your fb wall, we probably shoudn't be connected.

    I admire your conviction and stand with you on the degradation that facebook has done to our brains, our words, and our interests. We can also attribute texting and a general unappreciation for vernacular as well.

    You will be missed, as I always did enjoy your quips and observations :)

    1. Dena - I admire your discipline in how you use Facebook. After so many failed attempts at using Facebook in moderation, I realized that for me it was an all-or-nothing venture. Thanks for your words of support and -- YES! -- I could write a whole other blog post on how I think texting has affected interpersonal communication, especially when it comes to dating!

    2. I love your idea of deleting FB from the phone - I think the use of the phone while we're out and about is the worst culprit of distraction and not living in the moment, no matter what platform we're using the phone for. I also do the exact same thing you do about birthdays - if I wouldn't wish them a happy birthday, I delete them as a friend! I've ruthlessly culled through my friends on a regular basis so that I'm only connected with those who truly add positive to my life.

  3. Katie, I can't wait to read your novel. We don't see each other very often and I am sure that won't change. There is too much to cram in and honestly I feel like I am drowning. So between now and the moment your novel is accessible for the public please know that I am routing for you and my heart is thrilled for you. You will do great. You have it in you!

    1. Clarissa! I've said it before and I'll say it again - I have the biggest girl crush on you. You are a woman of style and heart. Thank you for taking a moment to send some encouraging words my way. I know we don't see each other often, but I look forward to our next chance encounter at a coffeehouse or cocktail lounge somewhere someday. xx

  4. Damn, you are good. I guess I am a Casa de Corona beginner, because well, I've only been in your physical presence for about a total of 6 days, but when I read this I got that hot sinking feeling in my chest like when someone dumps you and you know there is nothing you can do. I’m sad, but I admire your decision big time. It’s something I battle with a lot. I guess it’s been happening for a while now, but it feels so grossly powerful in the past year that I can’t just do something mindless like watch bad TV without checking FB or instagram or email during the slow parts. Sick, sick, sick is right. Yuck. I own it for myself though, whatever drives your engine. I would be so grateful to gain back those minutes of downtime here and there. Unfortunately, I can’t quit it. I can’t have a page for my business without having a personal page. Assholes. I think I will delete it on my phone.

    What it comes down to though, is that I check in on social media so often to get that gem that might be 1 in 50 or to get that extra validation that makes my day. You are definitively the best poster on my FB. If everyone took as much time and care that you doing in crafting posts, I would not feel the insidious anxiety that persists on the hourly from my FB checking habit. I feel like a closeted narcissist or a rabid animal with the blood of gossip running down my chin. This being dramatically said, I believe it is an art. It's how we communicate now, and I think for those of us who didn't grow up tied to social media or even a cell phone, it's deeply disturbing. Yes, writing a novel is a tremendous accomplishment, black waters I cannot imagine treading, but you must give yourself credit for your creativity that has been expressed. I can’t wait to read your first novel, or more blog posts, or whatever you do, because you my friend, are fucking good at writing. Thanks for making yourself vulnerable. That is a true gift.

  5. PS - that's actually Danny. I don't why it keeps doing that, but it won't quit.

    1. DANNY! You're the only Cullerton I know, so I knew this was you. (Plus I know your full name.) I will tell you this, my friend: It takes one to know one. YOU are a fucking good writer. "Hot sinking feeling in my chest like when someone dumps you and you know there is nothing you can do." Oh, man….I know *exactly* that feeling (and I suddenly felt it as I read your words), but I've never heard it described quite like that way before. I loved reading every sentence of your comment (and not just because you were praising me. ... OK, partially because you were praising me). Mainly, I just loved having this surprise opportunity to look inside the head and heart of Danny Cullerton.

      I have been off of Facebook for 2.5 days now, and so far I'm learning two things: (1) I think Instagram is my methadone. Probably will need to shut that down too. (2) The involuntary reflex to check Facebook is still alive and well. Looking forward to when that fades. It will.

      Danny, I know what you mean about seeking those 1 in 50 gems and getting that extra validation. I completely related to that. Also, god bless you for likening post-writing to an art. You are a dear one to acknowledge the value (however temporary) in the writing I did on FB. And yes, for those of us who lived without social media (or even cell phones!) until our late 20s, the shift in interpersonal communication is disturbing, but I'm no dinosaur and I'm willing to adapt - and have, to some degree. I text like a son of a bitch and Instagram is still in my world. Blogging, of course, is part of my repertoire, and I tend to turn up the volume on that front. Sure, if/when I need more of a social media presence because of my writing/teaching career, I will likely return to the Book of Faces with a professional page. But that's a bridge I'll cross when I absolutely need to -- and not a day sooner.

      The writing I did on Facebook didn't require me to go deep or to focus at length, and these are two things I am seeking right now in my life … even more than that 1 in 50 gem or that extra validation. I want to "seek the depths of things," as the poet Rainer Maria Rilke said.

      Vulnerability is absolutely a gift, and this one you gave me in the form of a comment to my blog was well-received. Thank you, dear friend.

  6. AMEN.

    Katie: You SuMMed it UP.


    I'm ready to have meeting of The Minds together...rut around in the soils of the earth, the rooms in our minds, & locked & unlocked chambers of our beating, bold, beautiful Hearts Chica!!

    You Need to See WILD.
    ALL of You Ladies.



    Lacey R Richter
